Grow your business and your bottom line.

Get found. Get paid.

Automate & Grow!

Find more leads online

Attract more customers to your services by ranking higher in online search results. Automatically send review requests via text to collect more happy reviews and outshine your competition.

Find more leads online

Increase Online Leads: Improve visibility and draw in more customers by climbing search rankings.

Collect More Reviews: Automatically request reviews via text to outshine competitors with glowing feedback.

Faster Engagement: Connect with leads quickly across text, social media, and more from a single inbox—on both computer and mobile.

Smart Growth: Stand out in search results and boost traffic to your site and physical locations with more customer reviews, leveraging engagement-focused SEO with Stride.

Respond to customers 5x faster

Connect with leads in a fraction of the time—through text, reviews, social media, Webchat, and more—so you can keep your customers happy and your business growing. Do it all from a single inbox on your computer or mobile device.

Grow your business, not your task list

Stand out in search results and drive traffic to your website and physical locations with more customer reviews. Asking for reviews via text is easy for your team and your customers. Modern SEO is all about engagement and interaction and Stride makes it easy!

Flexible Features for your business

CRM & Sales Pipelines

Lead Tracking & Management: A centralized system to manage and monitor all leads and customer interactions effectively.

Sales Pipeline Visualization: Visual tools to create and manage sales pipelines, facilitating easy tracking of deals through various stages.

Automation Triggers: Automated actions can be configured based on specific activities within the CRM to enhance efficiency.

Marketing Automation

Campaign Management: Tools to design and execute marketing campaigns across multiple channels for broad reach.

Email Marketing: Automated email campaign creation with personalized content to engage leads and customers.

SMS Marketing: Automated SMS messaging for direct engagement and timely updates to leads and customers.

Communication Tools

VoIP Calling: Integrated calling capabilities within the platform for direct communication with contacts.

Two-Way Messaging: Enables two-way text conversations with customers directly from the platform for enhanced engagement.

Unified Inbox: A single inbox that consolidates communications from various channels, including email, SMS, and social media.

Appointment Scheduling

Online Booking: An online interface that allows customers to book appointments or services directly.

Calendar Integration: Synchronization with external calendars to ensure seamless tracking of appointments and availability.

Reputation Management

Review Generation: Tools designed to encourage the collection of customer reviews across various platforms.

Review Monitoring: A centralized system for monitoring reviews across different platforms to manage and enhance your online reputation.

Website & Funnel Builder

Website Builder: Drag-and-drop functionality for creating and customizing websites without the need for coding.

Sales Funnel Creation: Tools to construct and refine sales funnels for effective lead to customer conversion.

Digital forms & payments

Digital Forms: Create custom, interactive forms to capture essential information from clients seamlessly.

Invoices & Payment: Generate and send professional invoices or proposals. Request digital payment through secure online payment methods.

Email & SMS Campaigns

Automated Campaigns: Build trigger-based email and SMS campaigns for effective lead nurturing and customer retention.

Personalization: Tailor messages based on customer data and behaviors for more targeted communication.

Membership Sites & Courses

Content Hosting: Facilities to host and manage membership content, including videos, documents, and courses.

Access Controls: Management of membership levels and content access based on subscription tiers.

Scale up & stress less

Discover how Stride's offerings can automate your processes and help scale your business.

Contact Us

(385) 475-3930